The OralTidePRO™ range of dental products helps with periodontal disease,
enamel remineralisation and gingivitis

OralTide-Pro Product Group

There are two products currently in the OraltidePro™ range of peptide dental care products: OraltidePro™ Mouthwash and OraltidePro™ Gel. These can be used separately or together.

No Bactericide & No Alcohol

Bactericide may be carcinogenic (a substance that promotes formation of cancer) and excessive alcohol can thin the oral mucosa which may lead to being carcinogenic. No product in the OraltidePro™ dental regenerative medicine range contains bactericide or alcohol, unlike commercial alternatives.

No Potassium Nitrate

Potassium nitrate has a narcotic effect which will reduce the sensitivity of the tooth nerve potentially leaving tooth decay unnoticed. OraltidePro™ tooth repair products are free from Potassium Nitrate.

No Fluoride

Excessive fluoride in dental products may cause fluorosis on the teeth (a mottled effect), nerve injury of the brain, spinal cord or sciatic nerve. Oraltide™ peptide dental products are fluoride free.

Qualified By SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance)

We use the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, SGS, to ensure our peptide technology dental care products are safe to use.

Peptide Mouthwash

OraltidePRO™ mouthwash contains DRP® (Dental Remineralization Peptide-Amorphus Calcium Phosphate) and AGDP® (Anti-gingival Degenerate Peptide). Together these offer a range of benefits to improve dental health and oral hygiene.

OralTide-Pro™ Mouthwash Bottle
  • Promotes growth of shrinking gums
  • Speeds healing of mouth & tongue
  • Prevents oral infections (such as gingivitis)
  • Helps with enamel remineralization
  • Reduces bacteria growth and etching
  • Fills slots in damaged enamel

Intensive Tooth Repair Gel

The unique OraltidePRO™ Gel contains DRP® (Dental Remineralization Peptide-Amorphus Calcium Phosphate) and AGDP® (Anti-gingival Degenerate Peptide). This is a perfect accompaniment to OraltidePRO™ Mouthwash, as well as for use independently to target tooth decay, enamel and to help prevent against oral infections.

OralTide-Pro™ Repair Gel
  • Promotes growth of shrinking gums
  • Speeds healing of mouth & tongue
  • Prevents oral infections (such as gingivitis)
  • Helps with enamel remineralization
  • Reduces bacteria growth and etching
  • Fills slots in damaged enamel

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